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The principles of perpetual adoration: Download

Here are 4 reasons showing that it is possible to start perpetual adoration in a parish …

Observation: When adoration is offered occasionally (for example on the first Fridays of the month), few people are present. But most ignore the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and the importance of this prayer! Everything is a matter of motivation, evangelization and organization !!! “Faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the word of Christ” (Rom 10, 17). “And how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach?” (Rom 10, 14).

After having given his Body and his Blood to eat and drink, Jesus lead his disciples to the Garden of Olives and invited them to watch with him so as not to enter into temptation: “Could you not keep watch for one hour with me? ”(Mt 26, 40). Following on from the Mass, we are invited by the Church to adore the Blessed Sacrament. Here are seven reasons to adore one hour per week: click here.

The Eucharistic mystery – sacrifice, banquet, presence – admits neither reduction nor manipulation; it must be lived in its integrity, whether in the act of celebration or in the intimate exchange with Jesus that we have just received in communion, or else in the time of prayer and Eucharistic adoration outside Mass.

Saint John Paul II, “Ecclesia de Eucharistia”, n ° 61

Here are some aspects showing that perpetual adoration is possible in a parish:

1. Practicality

The more we reduce the number of hours during which the Blessed Sacrament is exposed, the more we reduce the opportunities for parishioners to come to adore. On the other hand, the more we increase the number of hours during which the Blessed Sacrament is exposed, the easier it will be to find parishioners ready to come to adore …

2. Awareness

If the parish priest offers a few hours of adoration per week or per month, Eucharistic adoration remains one of the least pastoral priorities. On the contrary, if continuous adoration is offered, parishioners realize the importance of adoration and the need to commit to it. Through perpetual adoration, Jesus is placed at the heart of parish life … The parish is anchored on Christ in the Eucharist, celebrated and adored. All apostolic fruitfulness finds its source in this foyer of prayer.

3. Divine blessings

By doing on earth what is done in heaven, that is to say, adoring God perpetually, then heaven comes down to earth and God establishes his kingdom of light and love. The Eucharist is the sacrament of the infinite generosity of God. We are invited to a generous response by giving him love for love through perpetual adoration.

“The Church and the world have a great need for Eucharistic worship. Jesus waits for us in this sacrament of love … (let our) adoration never cease.”

Saint John Paul II, “Dominicae Cenae” n.3, February 24, 1980

4. Participation of the laity

Perpetual adoration is possible, because everyone commits to a fixed hour and becomes a guardian of the Blessed Sacrament. It’s a guard of honour, a guard of love! In addition, it is necessary to put in place an organisation team to ensure continuity of adoration and to help adorers to remain faithful to their weekly hour of adoration.